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Getting Started

To start using Sake, follow these steps:

Initialize a new SakeApp

SakeApp is a Swift package executable with the Sake library integrated, allowing you to define and manage commands.

To generate a new SakeApp project template in the current directory, run the following command:

sake init

This will create a new project structure in the ./SakeApp directory with a basic Sakefile.swift containing a simple command.

Inspect the generated Sakefile.swift

Navigate to the SakeApp directory and open Sakefile.swift to see the pre-defined hello command:

import Foundation
import Sake

struct Commands: SakeApp {
    public static var hello: Command {
            run: { _ in
                print("Hello, world!")

In this file, Commands serves as the entry point of the SakeApp executable and acts as the main command group that includes the hello command.

Run your first command

To execute the hello command, you can run:

sake run hello

or simply:

sake hello

This will print "Hello, world!" in your terminal.

Listing commands

To see all available user-defined (Sakefile.swift) commands, run:

sake list

To see all available sake commands, run:

sake --help